
Chain of Islands
Rod Weatherbie


A Book of Poetry, Weatherbie's first collection.
Quality Trade Paperback, 112 pp.
ISBN 978-1-55497-269-2   $20.00

Blurb by John Robert Colombo

"Chain of Islands is an excellent collection of poetry," notes Michael Fraser in the introduction to this book, and goes on to say, "The fact it’s Weatherbie’s debut collection is simply unbelievable."
Fraser is right. There are seventy-odd poems in this volume and they may be read one after the other to great effect, for the text is really a "chain of poems," a chain that holds the reader in captivity. Whether Weatherbie is writing about the shores of Prince Edward Island, the province of his birth, or about the inner states of mind and emotion, his voice is at once delicate and deliberate. This is a fine first collection.
Here is one of his short poems:

        If I could paint
    I would paint a picture
    of you wearing a blue hat
    with nothing else
    but yellow flowers.
    and an orange cat
If I could paint.

    Weatherbie may or may not be able to paint like an artist, but he certainly writes like a fine poet!